4th-year medical students in Japan now have to go through a set of exams called the Common Achievement Tests (CAT), which comprises an objective-structured clinical examination (OSCE) and a computer-based test (CBT). The former tests basic clinical skills while the latter checks to see if you have the essential knowledge that is deemed necessary to begin clinical rotations. So basically, the CBT part is a complete review of the 4 years.
Finished the OSCE two days before Christmas, and now the CBT. One of my biggest concerns is whether I would be able to keep my concentration through the exam, most notorious for its length of seven hours. The unofficial workbook is what I along with everyone else is doing, but there are six volumes to the series totalling over 3,000 questions. Since I'm the kind of person who can't concentrate for long in his own room, people would find me studying in a Starbucks or a McDonald's for hours.
By the way, it's been a pretty cold winter, and Tokyo, which seldom gets snow much less any accumulation of it, has so far had 5 centimeters of snow twice this year.
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