Oh boy, I wonder how many times I've said this phrase on this blog. But well, it's true. But it's also true that this year was full of meeting new friends and discovering my interests... and myself.
The gay clinic called the Magnet, located in the heart of Castro, the gay mecca of the country, is what sparked me into community-based health care, or in other words health care that involves the entire community. What's amazing is that it's not merely a clinic but has the potential to act as a catalyst to bring a people together and empower them as a whole. I'll talk about this much more in detail another time...
The rural area home-stay and the interviews and other interactions with the villagers totally changed how I think, and this is where PHC and community-based health care got on me. Again, I have to save another time to tell this in detail...
And last but not least, DOCS (acronym for Development of Clinical Skills), which we formed with the former participants of the Exploring Health Care program in our university to get a head start and practice clinical skills, played an important role in my life this year. We found energetic, passionate, student-caring doctors who were willing to teach us, in a university where we once felt finding those kind of mentors was devastating. Moreover, the activities led me to knowing general medicine, family medicine, and primary medical care, which then led me to Ukima Clinic, a community-based clinic up in northern Tokyo. (See post 2007/11/20.)
The more I look back at this year, the more the activities I was involved in get connected in one straight line. Compared to a year ago, I couldn't have imagined myself where I am now. This year helped me discover what my true interests are in (at least for now), and now I can much better describe the bigger picture of the doctor I have in mind for my future.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and another great year! :-)
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