My impression? Well... frankly speaking, I felt a little weird throughout the program. Of course, all the participants were highly-motivated, deep-thinking, yet thoughtful people who had gathered from around the country, and without question, the chats with them were really stimulating and one of those memorable times. However, most, if not all of them, were drawn by the terms 'global health' or 'international health', while on the other hand, my interest doesn't necessarily have to go beyond the border, as my 'theme' is community-based health care or primary health care (PHC). Yes, often times, these words have been talked about more in the developing communities rather than the industrialized ones so no doubt it does have a 'global health' taste to it, however, when you take a close look at the developed communities, you actually do see many forms of community health, and plus, there are many things these communities around the globe can learn from each other.
However, at this point, I have no thought of abandoning the clinician's work. Well, that's what I am studying medicine for right now! To obtain specialized skills. Yes, I am interested in public health, community health, and doing positive things for the bigger public, but I want to do that through interacting with the patients. So the image of my future I have right now could be called 'clinical epidemiology-based community health'. In other words, through interacting with the people, know the community, know its strengths, weaknesses, and hidden potentials, and do something creative to bring out their strengths to make the community happier as a whole, with the people in the community. This training program helped me reaffirm my interest.
By the way, I had a chance to talk with Dr. Honda, the founder and current chair of SHARE, the biggest non-profit organization in Japan specializing in international health cooperation, and I was deeply moved by his talks, as he and I had so many common interests... his 'theme' also sounded like community-based health care and primary health care (PHC). :-)
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